Well, I'm giving in to peer pressure (Tracy, Jenn, and Sara:-)) and I've become very inspired to write little tidbits about our daily lives. It's amazing how addicting BLOGS can be. I can't promise that it will be interesting, or that I will spell things correctly (Andrew will attest to that), but I would love to keep family and friends updated on the happenings around our house...since we definitely have more interesting happenings with Taylor in our lives now!
Here's our lives so far in a nutshell:

Met at the 94th Aero Squadron in San Diego in 1998. I was a hostess and Andrew was a bartender.
In 2000 Andrew decided to backpack through Scotland and play golf. When he returned 4 months later we finally became "boyfriend & girlfriend". We wrote "real" letters back then and fell in love via "air mail" not emial...ha, ha, ha!

We've entered this scary part of our lives called, parenthood, and believe it or not each and every day just keeps getting better and better! Why did we wait so long to have our first child...he's the best thing that ever happened to us:-)