T-Tasty Halloween Candy! Taylor had a blast going from house to house collecting candy. The bag of raisins and marshmallows was from Marie and Mrs. Heather.

R-Red Race Suit! Taylor was a race car driver this year for Halloween. If you know us, last year didn't go so well in the costume department. This year was a breeze...Thanks Geegee for buying his "race suit".

I-Itchy Costume! All Taylor was able to wear under his costume was a diaper because nothing else fit in there. For once in his life his belly was too fat and the velcro wouldn't stay closed with pants or a shirt on. Due to this fact, Taylor was walking funny all night because the costume was "itching" his leg. He kept pulling on the suit, but it looked like he was pulling on something else and had to go to the bathroom!

C-Chocolate Bar! Taylor was allowed to eat one small "Kit Kat Bar" at the end of the night. Boy did he enjoy it! All he kept saying was, "more chocolate please". I'm not kidding about the please part. Manner words are a sure fire way to make me do something!

K-Kids! Taylor enjoyed watching all the kids in their costumes, running from door to door. He picked up on the whole idea of Halloween rather quickly. He was very curious about this one adult dressed head to toe as the devil...mask included. He kept staring and pointing, as if to say "who is he"? One of our neighbors even did a haunted house on their front lawn. Andrew made both Taylor and I go in together because I'm a wuss when it comes to those sorts of things. I wasn't sure how Taylor would react but we made it through and he was so brave that he wanted to go "again". He definitely gets that from his dad.

O-Orange Pumpkins! Taylor helped me crave our pumpkin patch pumpkins. He put the candle inside (not lit of course) and put the tops back on. He also enjoyed an orange pumpkin marshmallow candy when we got home-his first!

R-Ready Set Go! Taylor didn't want to stop trick-or-treating. He kept saying "more candy". It's amazing how we are all programed to love candy. Taylor never gets to eat candy but he knew right away how special this night was. He just didn't want it to end.

T-Treat Bag! Taylor loved his "ghost bag" that aunt Vikki bought him. It even said his name on the front. He was asking for this bag today so that he could have some chocolate! Andrew and I had to pull the ole switcha rue on the candy inside the bag. We were hoping that he wouldn't remember just how much candy he had. Seemed to have worked because he was satisfied with just a few pieces.
R-Realize! Taylor realized that pumpkins have "yucky, yucky, yucky" stuff inside of them. He wanted to watch Mrs. Heather cut the pumpkin top off, but wanted nothing to do with what was inside! Her daughter Marie was very curious about the gooey stuff inside and Taylor was content to watch her play with the pulp and seeds.
E-Eat Candy, Roasted Pumpkin Seeds, and Pumpkin Bread! Nothing better than this time of the year when you can get everything pumpkin. Taylor has been enjoying pumpkin bread with his breakfast. However, he still wants to call it "cake".

A-All Gone! October is gone, Halloween is gone, the pumpkin bread is all gone, the candy is all gone (thank goodness), the decorations are gone, daylight savings time is gone, and our carved pumpkins will be gone soon...I LOVE OCTOBER!

T-Time for Bed! After a very fun and exciting night it was time for a bath, to wash the chocolate face off, and to go "night, night". Till next year when we get to do it all over again!