Since Friday, Taylor and I have noticed a baby bird living around our backyard flower bed. I thought that he had probably fallen out of the nest and would be on his way when he was ready. Well today is Monday and our little feathered friend is still roaming the back garden. I decided to call the wildlife rescue to see what I should do. They suggested just waiting it out a bit longer since he seems to be healthy-mommy bird must be feeding him from somewhere (some birds can hang around up to a week before they decide to try and fly away). You learn something new everyday! Taylor has affectionately named him: froggy, grass, net... name still to be decided.

Large nest up in the tree above where our baby bird is hanging out.
Just stocks... must have been yummy!

Large nest up in the tree above where our baby bird is hanging out.
Besides baby birds hanging out in our backyard, we have a hungry bunny rabbit that has found my newly planted sweet potato plant! I've only had it a month and it was doing great (I'm not a green thumb so this was a huge success for me) but I guess our animal guests had other plans. Take a look at my poor plant now... leafless and helpless! Maybe we can blame that on the drought too and not my string of bad luck with plants?