To many families October means football and soccer, but in our family it means GOLF!
It's finally cooler (this weekend was fabulous) and that means that playing golf outside is actually relaxing and fun instead of during the summer when it's torturous and painful-not to mention a health risk for sunburn and heat stroke!
Taylor is a bit all over the golf course...not hitting wise but looking for acorns to run over in the golf cart and playing close to any water hazard he can find-it's a "hazard" for a reason Taylor. He had the determination two years ago to learn how to hit a golf ball, but now (as a toddler) it's ALL about the independence-"I know, I can do it myself". Of course you can sweetheart, you're three-and-a-half and your KNOW everything-we love you anyways!!
So now on to someone else who is all over the golf course...Taylor's mom-that would be me! I wish I was looking for acorns or playing too close to a water hazard-but instead I'm trying to use every bit of athletic ability in my body to hit a golf ball. It's not pretty sometimes (air balls are so not cute) with your pro-of-a-husband watching behind you. Thank god for patience-and boy does he have a lot of them. Today was MUCH better then last time. Just to let you know it's been about 7 years since I've even touched a golf club! I actually made 1 bogey-which isn't good in pro terms but for MY terms that's the best 9 holes of golf I've ever played. I'll save myself the embarrassment on what I shot on the other 8 holes but I will say that I finally feel like I'm learning and improving-plus it's a great way to spend family time on a beautiful Sunday afternoon!
Show off...!
It's a great motivator when you "want" to play better because your child is going to beat you one day-and in my case it might just be sooner than later!
I'll let my coach worry about that one...