Dinosaurs roamed the Earth.
And some of them have actually been found in Texas!
If you ever feel like taking a little drive southeast of Austin towards Bastrop you'll come to a little
Dino Park. We've past it many times on our way to Houston but have never stopped to check it out. Today, since Spring Break is almost over, I thought that Nana, Taylor and I would load up some lunches and head out to see what it was all about. I'm SO glad that we did!
This place is great for kids.
After traveling down a little gravel road off of HWY 71 you come to a little house. Inside is a little gift shop with every dinosaur model/toy imaginable! Admission is just $6 and they give you a little clip board with a scavenger hunt list of things to spot along your journey. While walking along the wide pathways though Texas trees and scrubs, you spot life-size replicas of Triceratops, T-Rex, fossils and many other neat things.
This part took a little warming up to on Taylor's part. You see Taylor thought that dinosaurs still existed. He became really quiet early on because I think he thought at any moment a REAL dinosaur was going to jump out at him and swallow him up!! It took some talking to about the words, "replica", and "statue", to get him to relax a bit to enjoy the sunny walk. He kept telling me and himself that, "they're just statues mommy." I think we've confused him this week with trips to the zoo and rodeo where there were REAL animals!
Taylor's favorite dinosaur! |
After you're done with the trip around the dinosaur exhibits and photo opts, you can fossil dig in some sand tables, swing, play on the playground or eat a picnic lunch. What I loved about this place, besides the dinosaurs of course, was how new (only been open for 5 years) and clean everything was!
A+ in the mommy book!
We couldn't leave without a little souvenir...
Our very own Paleontologist fossil egg kit with a metal chisel and hammer.
So far we've uncovered a T-Rex and a Triceratops. The third one will be unearthed after nap time with Daddy!