We just couldn't wait another month before we started feeding the twins rice cereal in the highchair.
We've been feeding them a little rice cereal in their nighttime bottles since they were 3 months. Does anyone ever really wait until six months to begin more solid foods? They are so ready for some extra daytime calories it isn't even funny (maybe it will help with sleeping?). These kids LOVE to eat and it's a struggle somedays to get them to wait to be fed every three hours. Most days they are hungry and ready to go at 2 1/2 hours! I finally got myself organized enough today to give it all a try. Overall, it went pretty well for both babies. I had plenty of baby wipes on hand and I only fed one at a time.
~Jacob's Story~
Had no idea what I was doing to him.
For a baby who has his mouth open all day long to drool, it was as tight lipped as ever (not evident in the picture of course. I had to get a sweet smile shot)!
Pushed most of it out with his tongue so I did a lot of clean up with the spoon and tried my best to shovel it all back in.
I think by the end of the bowl he was finally interested and wanted more.
~Ryan's Story~
Wanted the spoon from my hand right away.
Got the hang of it rather quickly.
Looked like he was amazed that it tasted like a bottle, therefore wanted more immediately.
Gobbled it all up!