I'm sure it must have been said on, Leave It To Beaver, I Love Lucy, Family Ties, and The Cosby Show and I'm sure my mom and Andrew's mom have said it before too, but until this last week I never fully appreciated the saying, "make sure you wash behind those ears".

On Thursday Taylor tried mini Ego waffles all by himself. Lately, Taylor has been obsessed with "sauce". Any sauce will do...ketchup, honey mustard, mustard, BBQ, salsa (Jennifer was witness to that one) apple-sauce and now syrup. He loves the idea of taking his food and dipping it in the sauce. So back to the Ego's. All was going well until I stepped away for a minute. Taylor must have been finished with his waffles because he started to play with the plate and what was remaining on the plate. I must have turned around to late to actually see the act take place but I did notice that he was lowering the plate from on top of his head. Thinking that I must have caught him in the nick of time, I went about cleaning up his highchair. Until something in his hair caught my eye, and to my astonishment he must have flipped the plate on top of his head and smeared the syrup all over!! Wouldn't you know it, we had to be somewhere in 15 minutes and taking a bath right then and there was out of the question. So the quickest thing I could grab was a wetwipe. Lets just say that by the time we got to where we were going and I could actually look at my child's head again, his hair looked like Danny Zuko in Grease. Perfectly combed to the side but crusty and hard as ever. Wasn't until later that evening that we finally got a bath with a double dose of Johnson's & Johnson's on his head. Good as new....or so I thought.

Three days later as I'm standing behind my child and looking at the back of his head I notice something. Something of a brown, sticky consistency on the back of his ear!!!!!! Yes, to my worst fears there it was- Leftover syrup from DAYS ago. Moral of the story...if your child is eating solid foods (by themself) wash behind your child's ears every single night or potatoes just might grow out of them like our parents said.