Sunday, March 8, 2009

Trying to Fill Marie's Shoes

Last August I posted a blog titled, "Trying to Fill Daddy's Shoes", well this new post explains a lot. Shoes are shoes to kids. It doesn't matter what color, what style, high-heel, no heel, the bigger the better. Girl's dress up shoes are no exception! They make you taller, they're pink, and they make a fun little sound when you walk across the tile....clicketty clack, clicketty clack! Thanks for sharing your shoes Marie!


Anonymous said...

Man, that's funny! Gotta make his father feel so proud! :)

Wendy said...

That is so funny and will be such a blackmail photo when he gets older!

MySanSouci said...

Marie loves sharing her shoes with her best pal, Taylor. More click, clacking to come!