So today was Taylor's third year wellness visit with his pediatrician. To all those mommys in bloggerland with young toddlers, the 3 year visit blew my mind for two reasons. It's completely nothing like the other 2 wellness visits you've been to, and for the first time your toddler will show the social maturity and capability of communicating with the doctor themselves! When your 3 year check-up time comes near please remember this book, Froggy Goes to the Doctor-totally made the visit that much easier because Froggy does everything at the doctor that your child will be asked to do.
Points of interest that the visit included: a vision screening test accompanied with the little plastic eye cover that your child holds over each eye and an eye chart with different shapes to call out, a miniature gown to put on-open at the back, a knee reflex test, a finger prick blood test, 2 shots-for us it was H1N1 and the HepB (fourth and final-yay!), a muscle resistance test-pushing up on the doctor's hands and then down on her hands in different directions, and a extensive developmental test and a questionnaire from us. Taylor passed with flying colors and was so shy and cute with the doctor. Now I just need to find a book about shots for his 4 year wellness visit... 4 total next year! I might just have to take the entire day off for that one:)
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