*You could play a full game of Mickey Mouse Memory and almost beat your senile parents at it every single night.
*You loved to count EVERYTHING (trucks on the road, pieces of candy, how many bites left until dinner was over, how many seconds you had to brush your teeth for...).
*You knew every alphabet letter by sight.
*You were beginning to recognize that every alphabet letter also made a sound (Mommy: "p-i-c-k-l-e, "p", "p", that starts with "P").
*You still wanted everything RIGHT away.
*You had no idea what patience were.
*You were right no matter what we said-oh, sorry I already said that!
*You held doors open for ladies like a true gentleman.
*You said: "yes mam", "yes sir", and "NO MAM", and "NO SIR"!
*You would say, "please may I be excused" after each meal.
*You could take care of all your bathroom needs by yourself (except when your underwear would roll up funny on your hiney and you would scream out in pure frustration).
*You would take naps again (quite a bump in the road to get over, personally I wouldn't call it a bump, more like a ditch or a large gaping pothole-I can joke now but nobody was laughing a month ago!!!).
*You loved to leave little random treasure all over the house for me to pick up after you went to bed.
*You took your first gymnastics class and loved the trampoline, foam pit, handstands, rolls, and rock wall.
*You turned the arm of the couch and the ottoman into your own personal roll-over gym.
*You loved chase, board games, cars, trucks, trains, parks, bouncy houses, swimming, dessert, chocolate, Tom & Jerry, friends, and Jelly-n-Jelly sandwiches.
*You started to color in between the lines. A wonderful artistic trait that we both hope you develop further because both of your grandmothers are great artists.
*You attempted to make your bed on your own each morning.
*You flew on your first aiplane to Montana!!!
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