Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The Mom Book

Last week a friend of mine showed me an article in the magazine Real Simple (read the full article here). It talks about collecting and holding on to those treasured little "made by hand" keepsakes that as a mother we love so much. Since we've entered the "school years" I thought that it would be the perfect time to create a special place to hold onto all of Taylor's school made holiday cards and letters. 
I carefully chose my 3-ring binder to get started, and happily placed my very first "hand made" Mother's Day card inside. It's such a simple and easy little idea that anyone can do. One day I hope to look back over the completed volume(s) of books with much happiness.

Thanks sweetie you made my Mom's Day!

1 comment:

MySanSouci said...

Sweet reminds me of the Hallmark commercial where the mom has a box of all her Mother's Day cards and looks back at them from the years. sniffle, sniffle