Tuesday, June 16, 2009

My New Faves!

About a month ago Hey Cupcake (an Ausitn favorite) moved up to our neck of the woods (the corner of 2222 and 620). Before they moved, I had actually never tasted any of their delicious treats. Well now it seems like my family can't get enough of them. It's such a simple and delightfully delicious dessert! Taylor loves the "pink blow up thingy" that they have next to the road and asks everyday when we drive by if "it's up or if it's too early". Andrew's family was up for the weekend so we couldn't resist bringing one of each of them over to the lake house for everyone to devour. The cupcakes with the cream cheese tops are my favorite-yummy!. Taylor just wants anything with chocolate on it. Such a Curtis-Wellings!

On Saturday I had the opportunity to host a baby shower for a very special friend. Heather, who watches Taylor 3 days a week during the school year, is expecting baby #2 in July and I decided to throw her a Tea Party Baby Shower. Everyday The Four Seasons downtown serves tea from 1:30-3:30 in the lounge. Reservations are required so that they can prepare a table for you and your guests with linens and all the necessary tea place settings. I had never been before I decided to throw the shower there. Well, let me start by saying that they did a fantastic job! First, you select your tea from a list of several options, then they bring you 3 different little yummy tea sandwiches, and then lastly for the finale a plate of delicious tea cakes and a tower of chocolate covered strawberries, truffles, scones and cookies. It was a perfect afternoon for a wonderful mommy-to-be! Congratulations Heather!

1 comment:

Sara said...

I didn't know Hey Cupcake moved up here - yay! I love it! And the Tea Party was amazing!