Saturday, March 6, 2010


" Little Old Man" - "Fat Boy"

It's with a very heavy heart that I have to write this post. On Thursday evening our beloved cat Reily was put to sleep. After 2 days at the vet, after a frightening night of super low blood sugar levels, we decided that it would be better for Reily to be put to sleep. All within 2 days, he became blind from the diabetes, unresponsive to certain things like he had had a stroke or thrown a blood cot, was not eating or drinking, and had lost mobility in his back legs. Reily was only 12 years old (got him and his sister when I was in college), but he was an awesomely (if that's even a word) cool cat!! We will miss both Abigail (April o9') and Reily (March 10') dearly.


MySanSouci said...

Lareina, I am so sorry to hear about your sweet boy. Bless his heart. I am sure he is now enjoying the time with his sister. :-)

Anonymous said...

Bye Reily! You were such a sweet man and always so loving when we came by the house.

Sara said...

I'm sorry for your loss - that's so sad to hear!