Saturday, March 20, 2010

Sailing on the Lake

Grandpa (my dad) and Grandma came for a visit this week all the way from Seal Rock, Oregon. We lucked out with 2 days of awesome weather, 1 very windy day, and 1 rainy day-gotta love Spring in Texas! On Thursday evening (sunset) we took a 2 hour sailing cruise on Lake Travis. Andrew was the only one who had been on a sailboat before, so it was all new and very exciting for the rest of us. There was enough wind for awhile to sail with the sails up and the rest of the time we just motored around. Taylor's favorite thing was walking up and down the steps to the galley below. My favorite thing was watching our captain "tac" the boat to change directions (lots of ropes and switches-better stay out of the way!). I think my dad's favortite part was actually getting to drive the boat!

1 comment:

Sara said...

What a fun, unique experience! The sunset is beautiful!