Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Skivies(noun):another name for underware

The word "milestones" comes to mind quite frequently in ones life. The dictionary defines it as a significant point in development. Early on as parents we recognize "milestones" and highlight them in pictures, videos, baby books, and nowadays internet blogs. Our child's development and well-being means the world to us and reaching these early achievements means that everything is "okay" and "right on tract". Since Taylor turned 2 last year those milestones have slowed down from big things like: crawling, walking, talking to smaller things like moving from a crib to a big bed or jumping up and down on one foot. We've recently reached a new milestone geared for 3 year olds-getting dressed by yourself. Socks were an early struggle but now that seems easy as pie. Here is a video of our "milestone maker" and me using the word "skivies" which Taylor had never heard before and now won't stop saying-of course!


Anonymous said...

Way to go Taylor! We are working on UNdressing right now and it can be pretty challenging!
I also really like the look of Taylor's big boy room- so nice!

MySanSouci said...

That is fantastic. Independence is a wonderful thing. Way to go!