It's really neat how the salt forms this layer on top of the fish and holds all the moisture in and then just flakes off before you serve it-AND IT DOESN'T EVEN TASTE FISHY OR SALTY!
It's really neat how the salt forms this layer on top of the fish and holds all the moisture in and then just flakes off before you serve it-AND IT DOESN'T EVEN TASTE FISHY OR SALTY!
Jump for it! It's exciting.
Back to the farm with no animals...if there aren't animals then large, loud, drivable machines will do just fine when you're a 3 year old boy! He was super excited to sit on the green John Deere with cousin Garrett and scared/excited to go for a ride on the "mule" with aunt Vikki and cousin Megan. He wanted to go so bad but refused to sit up top and insisted on sitting on my lap. Later when all the boys went for a ride he sat up top with uncle Bubba-baby steps here folks!
We have a new resident living in our backyard... no she's not hungry she's 'nesting'. She's been hard at work creating something in our backyard all morning. The funny thing is she's not like all the other jackrabbits in the neighborhood, she actually lets you get pretty close and doesn't run off. Here's to the sacrifices of being a mom on Mother's Day!
I'm sure she thought she hit the jackpot with our grass, considering she's pulling it all up because it's so nice and long. Unfortunately the lawn guys are coming tomorrow!!! No worries, I will be creating some sort of wildlife preserve sign so they don't mow over her and her babies.
Delicious!-Bravo to the chefs (uncle Tony was there to help roll and cook the gnocchi while I entertained a non-napping 3 year old! I can't wait for tomorrow's class and a whole new menu!