Today Taylor and I went on a little road trip south of Austin to Weimar for a 1st birthday party on a farm. Just over 2 hours away we were transported to the country and I loved every minute of it! I love visiting Texas farms (it's why I secretly love living in Texas) it reminds me of my childhood. My moms parents owned and worked a small farm in Montana and I can remember being about 5 and picking fresh berries out of my grandmothers garden, playing with the new litter of barn cats, walking through the huge metal sided barn where they kept all the farm machinery, driving on dirt roads, playing in a treehouse, playing outside on the porches, watching my brother ride horses with his friends (even the time when we had to rush him to the hospital because he got to close to a nail or bolt on a gate while on a horse and it went through his knee-nice!). As for any farm, there were always tractors. I only have a few memories of my grandfather, he passed away when I was young, but most of them involve him riding on a tractor.
Back to the farm with no animals...if there aren't animals then large, loud, drivable machines will do just fine when you're a 3 year old boy! He was super excited to sit on the green John Deere with cousin Garrett and scared/excited to go for a ride on the "mule" with aunt Vikki and cousin Megan. He wanted to go so bad but refused to sit up top and insisted on sitting on my lap. Later when all the boys went for a ride he sat up top with uncle Bubba-baby steps here folks!

Since this was a birthday party after all there was some fun and games to be had.

The Taylor's Farm (yes, that really is the name of their farm) began in 1972. This is their cute main farm house...and their 8 car garage that I couldn't get all in one picture. Thanks to all the Taylor's for a fun day in Weimar! And thanks to the Johnson's for inviting us along!

1 comment:
Sounds like a grand day on a Texas farm! Loved hearing about your farm experiences growing up...how lucky you were!! :-)
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