Tuesday, March 20, 2012

We've Made It!

To 32 weeks that is...
Here's why that's so important to Jacob and Ryan's development-

*their weight is now 4.5 lbs each (9 lbs of baby total...holy cow!)
*a good amount of weight means better body temperature control at birth
(which is a great thing since I've been so HOT controlling everyones)
*they're practicing breathing movements on their own in the womb...
this was evident on the ultrasound screen on Monday as both babies had the hiccups! I suppose I would too if I was practicing breathing while swallowing amniotic fluid
*heartbeats are slowly coming down to a regular beat, still in the 130's
*movements are strong (on both sides)
*still looking like a c-section birth because Ryan (baby A) is still breech

My current development of pregnancy symptoms include-

*severe heartburn at night
*insomnia for several hours a night
*carpal tunnel syndrome in my hands in the morning
(new one for me-very achy)
*swelling in my hands and feet
*bulging vein in my left forearm (another new one for me) strange!
*unpredictable high blood pressure
*increased heartbeat ( a lot of blood needs to be circulated)


Anonymous said...

Whoo hoo! I am so happy for you and the babies!!!

Sara said...

Yay for another milestone! You deserve that delicious looking cupcake!

Nancy said...

Here's to healthy, strong babies! Can't wait to meet them.

MySanSouci said...

That is all wonderful news!! Yippee! 4 more weeks to go!