Wednesday, February 3, 2010


My 3rd year was full of milestones, challenges, and most importantly lots of FUN!

This Year I:

Finally got all of my baby teeth... the back molars were very unpleasant!

I moved from sleeping in a crib to a big-boy bed

I took swimming lessons for the first time

I went to the best beach in Texas-South Padre!

I learned to ride a scooter

I can count from 1-12 in order now

I know some letters by sight like:a,b,c,d,e,f,m,o,t,y (maybe more but we haven't practiced in awhile)

I can balance on one foot

I can hop, skip, and jump

I'm potty trained and I only need a pull-up at bedtime, no longer at naptime

I know how to throw a tantrum...

I whine and cry when I don't get my way

I sit in timeout when I'm bad or don't listen to mommy and daddy

I apologize to mommy and daddy for the bad things I do

I give hugs and "big" squeezes and kisses

I tell mommy and daddy "I love you" without them saying it first

I can undress myself and get ready for a bath

I'm learning to dress myself... socks are such a pain!

I read my first book by memory

I can talk on the phone and run to answer it

I had an ultrasound done on the back of my knee-just fluid, nothing else

I developed Austin Allergies-yuck!

I'm a great procrastinator at bedtime

It's been an amazing year! We love you Taylor! You have brought us so much love, joy, and laughter. Happy 3rd Birthday!!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Taylor!!

Sara said...

Yay for 3! Happy Birthday Taylor! It looks like he had so much fun on his birthday!