The past 3 out of 4 days Taylor has refused to take a nap. I use the word refuse lightly because it's not a kicking, screaming nightmare or anything, it's actually the opposite--
playing in his room when he should be sleeping,
changing clothes when he should be sleeping (my personal favorite),
reading books (over and over) when he should be sleeping,
playing music when he should be sleeping,
whispering to himself when he should be sleeping,
singing to himself when he should be sleeping, etc.
We've stopped going in to "re-settle" him because it doesn't work anymore. Now the only plan at hand is to wait "him" out. You see, Spring Break was the same thing...mommy home 24/7 equals more time with her and less nap time for anyone! The same is holding true for Summer Break. This boy is good, he doesn't forget a thing and rarely misses a beat! Oh yes, when Taylor sleeps we ALL sleep! We are a bunch of nap lovers over here! We're screwed when he turns five or so and decides to give up naps all around. So today, once again, when napping was a distant memory (in my mind) after an hour-and-a-half of "quiet time" in his room, I got him up and headed to Target! Yep, Target or anywhere for that matter as long as it was out of the house. What happened next SURPRISED me and recentered both of us-THANK GOODNESS! Not 5 minutes down the street (not even out of the subdivision) he falls asleep!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Our child who NEVER sleeps in the car was finally out like a light and I only had a 5 minute trip to make. My camera was still in my purse from this morning's activities so I made sure to document this one. I guess our child hasn't forgotten how to sleep during the day!
Love it! We are nappers too... and yes, Target is a wonderful refuge for those napless afternoons...we have spend many a 2-3pm hour there! :-)
We love our naps and sleep here too! I can't wait until the kids are teenagers and we can all sleep in late! That picture is precious!
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